SwiftUI Fundamentals
Build your foundation in SwiftUI
*Updated for iOS 15 & iOS 16
(Now that this is free, it will no longer be updated for iOS 17 & beyond)
- Build 4 apps in SwiftUI that increase in complexity.
- Focus on passing data in SwiftUI - not fancy UI
- Updated for iOS 15 & iOS 16
Course Overview
Course Curriculum
- The Basics (12:29)
- City Text (6:51)
- SF Symbols (3:18)
- Main VStack w/ SF Symbol (7:26)
- HStack of Days & Custom Color (13:25)
- Button, Refactoring & Project Organization (17:25)
- @State and @Binding Basics (10:41)
- iOS 15 Update - SF Symbols & @Binding Clarification (10:13)
- iOS 16 Update - New Gradient Modifier (3:29)
- Intro & Project Setup (6:53)
- Grid The Beginning (11:26)
- Grid - The End (11:58)
- Detail View (14:24)
- Connecting Views - MVVM Introduction (19:08)
- Integrating with UIKit - Introduction (12:16)
- Refactor, Project Organization, Convert To List (20:14)
- iOS 15 Update - New Button System (7:32)
- iOS 16 Update - NavigationStack Intro (8:05)
- Intro & TabBar (12:07)
- App Lifecycle Explained (5:05)
- Appetizer Model (12:22)
- AppetizerListView (13:12)
- NetworkManager (17:07)
- Connecting our AppetizerListView to the NetworkManager (14:11)
- Errors & Alerts (14:41)
- LoadingView (11:45)
- Download Image Network Call (10:19)
- Appetizer Remote Image (12:32)
- Halftime Project Organization (4:55)
- AppetizerDetailView UI Setup (19:56)
- AppetizerDetailView Connections (11:18)
- AppetizerDetailView Refactor (10:27)
- AccountView UI Setup (14:31)
- AccountViewModel & Text Validation (15:52)
- @AppStorage - Persisting a Custom Object (17:32)
- Order Screen UI - Swipe to Delete (11:21)
- EmptyState (10:20)
- @EnvironmentObject - Order (17:39)
- iOS 15 Update - Initial Run (8:24)
- iOS 15 Update - TabBar Badge, List Separator, New Button (13:35)
- iOS 15 Update - @FocusState - Keyboard UX Improvements (8:35)
- iOS 15 Update - Async/Await (25:17)
- iOS 15 Update - AsyncImage (6:32)
- iOS 16 Update - Swift 5.7 - Regex, guard let/if let, and spellcheck (13:04)
Frequently Asked Questions
What will I learn in this course?
This course is meant to be an introduction to SwiftUI. We start off easy and gradually get more difficult over the course of 4 apps. There is a focus on moving data between views with @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservedObject and @EnvironmentObject as I found that to be the trickiest part of learning SwiftUI.
What skill level is required for this course?
This course is designed for those that have some Swift knowledge. I definitely explain the basics of SwiftUI... but not the basics of the Swift Language itself. You don't have to be a Swift expert or anything, but knowledge of Swift basics is assumed for this course. For example, I don't stop to explain variables, arrays, types, structs or anything like that. If you need those basics, check out my beginner Swift course called iOS Dev Launchpad.
Will this course be updated?
Now that this course is free, it will no longer be updated. It is up to date as of iOS 16.