Sean's Source Code
Up-to-date Xcode projects for Swift, SwiftUI and UIKit tutorials dating back to 2020 and all future iOS Dev tutorials.
*All projects build & run without errors or warnings in iOS 18
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- See curriculum below for a list of projects.
Quick Overview
Project List
Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
- Intro to SwiftData - Model, Container, Fetch, Create, Update & Delete (26:06)
- SwiftUI Support Older iOS Versions - #available (8:11)
- Drag to Reorder a List (Two Methods) (12:18)
- Group Box - Card View (9:09)
- 3D Content in SwiftUI with Spline (Onboard Screen Example) (16:20)
- Pie & Donut Charts (8:52)
- TipKit - SwiftUI Tooltips (15:15)
- Super Power Scroll Views - New in iOS 17 (9:14)
- Drag and Drop with Transferable Custom Object (26:32)
- Observation & @Observable - New SwiftUI Data Flow in iOS 17 (7:56)
- Bar Chart with Customizations | Swift Charts (21:25)
- Widget Basics - Intro to WidgetKit (50:22)
- NavigationStack - SwiftUI Programmatic Navigation (20:19)
- Tic Tac Toe | Multiple AI Difficulties | MVVM | Portfolio Project (78:33)
- Matched Geometry Effect - Profile Animation Example (9:47)
- List with Custom Cell & Passing Data (36:27)
- Intro to MVVM | Example Refactor | Model View ViewModel (11:55)
- Maps - Get User Location - LocationButton (18:47)
- SwiftUI Native Photo Picker - Single & Multiple Selection & Filters (11:42)
- Photo Picker - UIViewControllerRepresentable, Compressed Images (19:49)
- Gradient Buttons | Linear, Radial & Angular Gradients (9:54)
- Swipe Actions on List (8:39)
- Form w/ TextField, DatePicker, Toggle, Stepper, Link and Sections w/ Header (14:24)
- Bottom Sheet - Resizable (7:21)
Available in
after you enroll
- List & ScrollView - Safe Area Inset (3:26)
- Alerts - Multiple Buttons, Text Field, & Passing Errors (12:04)
- LazyVGrid, LazyHGrid, Static Grid (17:54)
- Toggle Button & Switch (5:18)
- ContentUnavailableView - Simple, Clean Empty States (7:30)
- Search Bar - Searchable (6:14)
- New Button Styles | iOS 15 (6:25)
- Size Classes - Adopt Landscape Example (6:57)
- Request App Ratings & Review (2:05)
- Confirmation Dialog (6:51)
- Environment Values - What are they? Code Examples (8:23)
- Navigation Bar Button | Toolbar (6:26)
- Redacted Tutorial (7:13)
- Page View | Onboard Flow (5:39)
- Segmented Control (8:49)
- Link - Open Website in Safari (3:57)
- ColorPicker (2:49)
- TabView Tutorial (3:35)
- Loading View | Activity Indicator (7:12)
- DatePicker Tutorial (7:25)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Where Keyword (6:04)
- Swift Date Components & Calculations Tutorial (10:58)
- Swift KeyPaths - Cleaner, Safer Code (6:20)
- API Calls for Beginners (Networking) - Async Await & JSON (25:34)
- Swift Algorithms - Faster, Cleaner Code. (Chunked Example) (13:47)
- Unit Testing in Swift - An Introduction (17:33)
- Generics for Beginners - Eliminate Code Duplication (10:37)
- Dependency Injection - What is it? What are the benefits? (6:57)
- Array vs. Set (9:31)
- Optionals - How to Unwrap (real examples) (14:19)
- Filter, Map, Reduce, CompactMap, FlatMap (13:49)
- Class vs. Struct Explained (7:27)
- Closures Explained (14:22)
- New Date Formatting in Swift 5.5 (6:23)
- Static Properties & Methods Explained (5:56)
- .random and .shuffle (4:31)
- Lazy Keyword - What does it do? (9:55)
- Switch Statements in Swift | Beginner (11:26)
- Enums - Basics, Raw Values, Associated Values, CaseIterable (15:54)
- Convenience Initializers (8:40)
Available in
after you enroll
- Delegate Protocol Pattern Tutorial | iOS Communication Patterns (10:47)
- Intro to Programmatic UI - UIKit (17:38)
- New UIKit Button System - iOS 15 - Code & Storyboard (9:50)
- Shake Gesture Tutorial (3:55)
- UIStackView Tutorial - Programmatic UI (10:30)
- Child ViewControllers (Container Views) - Programmatic & Storyboard (9:12)
- UINavigation Controller Tutorial - Storyboard (10:37)